Title : Boku to Star no 99 Nichi
Japan Title : 僕とスターの99日
Genre : Romance, Comedy
Broadcast : Fuji TV, 2012
Country : Japan
Language : Japan
Subtitles : Indonesian / English / Chinese
Episode : 10
Disc : 3 DvD End
Nishijima Hidetoshi as Namiki Kohei
Kim Tae Hee as Han Yuna
Sasaki Kuranosuke as Takanabe Yamato
Taecyeon as Teson
Asaka Mayumi as Serizawa Naoko
Kaname Jun as Hashizume Kazuya
Baisho Mitsuko as Saegusa Emiko
Sakuraba Nanami as Namiki Momo
So close and yet so far away...An inconspicuous body guard Namiki Kohei (Nishijima Hidetoshi) is assigned to be a body guard to a mega Korean super star, Han Yuna (Kim Tae Hee). Kohei is less than ordinary, a single man almost 40 in age working part time at a security company. Despite his kind and attractive looks, he is surrounded by people who boss him around with unreasonable demands. He keeps a dream to himself, a desire to someday become an astronomer and find his very own star. He justifies not being able to fulfill this dream to lack of funds and issues with his family.
Han Yuna, on the other hand, while having a perfect face and body, loves to eat junk food. She also has a kind heart for helping others in need. While every aspect of her life may seem like a girl's dream come true, she feels a certain solitude being in the entertainment industry.
As Kohei and Han Yuna come closer and closer to each other, they become an inseparable couple, discovering true love. Where will the couple end up after the contracted 99 days? A heart-warming love comedy that will make you realize once again how precious love can be. -- Fuji TV
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